Investing in Brazil: Capital market regulation
Release time£º2015-09-17 13:01 Source£º

The Brazilian capital market is regulated, controlled and supervised by the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM). It is one of the most rigidly regulated markets in the world. Such rigidity for foreign and domestic investors was one of the major factors that allowed the Brazilian capital market to be less affected by the financial crisis. The regulatory Commission is not just BM&FBovespa, but also the whole market of funds, all broker societies, investment banks and any other institution related to the capital market. It is the one that sets safety margins for variable income fund leverage, among other things.

The body is also responsible for assessing all capital opening and increase requests, the working of securities brokers and the performance of financial analysts. Only those analysts authorized by the Commission may issue reports and appraisals on businesses registered at the Brazilian stock exchange.

The Brazilian Securities Commission website helps investors to learn about the Brazilian capital market legislation and their rights and duties.